Ben Marmot, a man with a life of promise gone wrong, is an anarchist, antiestablishment iconoclast. A well-traveled 64-year-old decorated war hero and sniper in the Vietnam War, his country has all but forgotten him. With each passing day it seems the establishment is taking away more and more of the freedom he depends on to survive. Traumatized by life and suffering from PTSD, angry and bitter, he is reduced to living in a trailer park in Paradise at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Sally, a 33-year-old ethereal being, also lives in Paradise. When Ben meets Sally, they immediately see hope in each other. During the 2018 Paradise wildfire, the deadliest in California’s history, Sally and Ben decided to make a fresh start. Like Thelma and Louise, Bonnie and Clyde, Sally and Ben embark on a road trip to Key West.
As in Jack Kerouac's, On the Road, we follow the journey of this counterculture couple and watch their traumas play out in unbelievable ways. We hear their ideas about a world gone wrong and watch as they become renegades for ‘freedom.’
Written in terse, in-your-face prose, Blunt will force you to think past boundaries to a larger, more complex world. And it will make you wonder about freedom. First though, you’ll have to decide if Ben is proof-positive crazy…and if Sally is even real?
A shocking read. Trying to decipher this world and these characters, you’ll marvel at the madness not far from today’s America. With political and media attention focused on what divides us; and the degradation of moral reality into free fall debauchery.…it’s not difficult to imagine Blunt!
Ben Marmot, a man with a life of promise gone wrong, is an anarchist, antiestablishment iconoclast. A well-traveled 64-year-old decorated war hero and sniper in the Vietnam War, his country has all but forgotten him. With each passing day it seems the establishment is taking away more and more of the freedom he depends on to survive. Traumatized by life and suffering from PTSD, angry and bitter, he is reduced to living in a trailer park in Paradise at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Sally, a 33-year-old ethereal being, also lives in Paradise. When Ben meets Sally, they immediately see hope in each other. During the 2018 Paradise wildfire, the deadliest in California’s history, Sally and Ben decided to make a fresh start. Like Thelma and Louise, Bonnie and Clyde, Sally and Ben embark on a road trip to Key West.
As in Jack Kerouac's, On the Road, we follow the journey of this counterculture couple and watch their traumas play out in unbelievable ways. We hear their ideas about a world gone wrong and watch as they become renegades for ‘freedom.’
Written in terse, in-your-face prose, Blunt will force you to think past boundaries to a larger, more complex world. And it will make you wonder about freedom. First though, you’ll have to decide if Ben is proof-positive crazy…and if Sally is even real?
A shocking read. Trying to decipher this world and these characters, you’ll marvel at the madness not far from today’s America. With political and media attention focused on what divides us; and the degradation of moral reality into free fall debauchery.…it’s not difficult to imagine Blunt!
The author of several books, including the best-selling art book, Figure in Motion; Yubbles and the Mumdebobbin; On the Elephant’s Knee; and Between Apes and God, much impacted by his two decades of living abroad in India and Europe, Thomas Easley has been writing since the age of nine. At sixteen, in his native home, Lake Tahoe, Nevada he started a literary magazine, The Pink Elephant. Easley is a successful visual artist with works in major collections worldwide. A member of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, and a longtime contributor to The Speaking Tree, the Times of India’s blog on spirituality, he lives in Hudson Valley, New York and divides his time between painting and writing.