Co-eternals: A Story of Entangled Consciousness reaches out to a dimension where consciousness travels between on flesh-bound lifetime and another. Hope for unending consciousness is intensified by the loss of someone so dear that one's deepest being cries out for an indication of continual existence and an eternal bond.
Co-eternals: A Story of Entangled Consciousness reaches out to a dimension where consciousness travels between on flesh-bound lifetime and another. Hope for unending consciousness is intensified by the loss of someone so dear that one's deepest being cries out for an indication of continual existence and an eternal bond.
Sally Sulfaro is a retired nurse executive, leadership coach and healthcare systems consultant. Her last healthcare position was Vice President of Operations with one of the largest physician management companies in the US. She holds master’s degrees in science and public health with doctoral studies in medical anthropology. She is now retired and serves as President of a non-profit organization and federal charity, The Violet Fire, providing support and resources for persons with cancer or chronic conditions who are uninsured or who desire natural and integrative therapies that are not covered by health insurance.
Sally was drawn to writing after the death of her son, Detroit rock musician, author and poet Abe Sulfaro. His unpublished manuscript, the dark novel The Antiheroes: Treatise of a Lost Soul, was left in her hands when he died of pancreatic cancer in 2014. It has since been published as well as a collection of his prose, song lyrics and quotes in Memoirs de Nocturne: An Anthology. Since then, Sally has authored the novel Co-eternals: A Story of Entangled Consciousness, a companion book to The Antiheroes; has co-written Compared to What? Life and Times of a Detroit Musician, the autobiography of handicapped Detroit percussionist Dan Lewis; and is currently working on a stage play based on The Antiheroes.
Originally from downriver Detroit, Sally and Michael, her husband of 51 years, now live on a quiet lake in Northern Michigan. The Sulfaros own "The Sanctuary," a countryside villa in northern Tuscany on the ancient pilgrims’ route, the Via Francigena, in a region known as Land of the Moon.